Milani Myers

I am Milani Myers, and I pride myself in setting an example for my community and ensuring they feel heard. I am currently the Vice President of New York Jeter’s Leaders Executive Council and previously the Class Representative during my sophomore and junior year, which includes/included speaking for the best interest of my peers.

In the classroom I am an outspoken and respectful student who encourages my classmates to speak up for themselves, while also making sure that the classroom feels like a safe space for them to do so. In both the program and school, it is my number one goal to lead with good intentions no matter what I am doing.


WiNter owens

I am Winter Owens and I strive to be a virtue for my community. I serve to ensure guidance and reflect kindness among peers surrounding me, whether that's being helpful to those in need or being a leader.

I am currently the Senior Representative for Kalamazoo Jeter’s Leaders Executive Council, advocating for voices unheard and invoking change. Additionally, I am also the Vice President of my class at Kalamazoo Central High School, where I advocate for equality and serve to listen to my peers so their voices too can be heard. As a student, I am quite determined and outspoken, encouraging my peers to always be true to themselves and work hard. In both communities my number one aspiration is to lead and be a name they’ll always remember for being impactful.