Inspired by the book Hey Dad! Let’s Have a Catch, by Harold Theurer, JR; ALL RISE is reminding busy adults that #JustFiveMinutes is all it takes to encourage the young person in your life. In the book, Harold asks his very busy father for five minutes to play catch. That five minutes would often turn into 15 or 20. Over the years, these moments were opportunities to connect, share stories and have conversations about what was happening in their lives.
#JustFiveMinutes is all it takes to start a game of catch, read a book and have a conversation with a young person in your life. It’s a chance to connect, share “catch phrases” and other pauses on a very busy day. In many cases, it’s the time of being together that is enough.
Harold Theurer, JR
A born and raised resident of Brooklyn, New York (the true epicenter of the World), Harold was inspired to write Hey Dad to honor his father, a child of the Great Depression. The phrase, “Quality Time” was yet to be uttered in parenting, yet Harold was the beneficiary of those precious moments as his father arrived home from his day job and prepared himself for his evening responsibilities. This is his first children’s book and has two more on the drawing board.