Students will explore different points of view relating to technology use.
Area for students to move around
#ICANHELP Activity
Students stand in the middle of the room.
Announce the first statement
Students move to either Agree, Disagree or stay in the middle for Neutral.
After each statement, ask “Why did you pick the side you did?”, “Can you see both sides’ viewpoint?” and “What are the main arguments for each side?”
People are on their devices too much
I am on my phone way to much
Adults over share on social media
It is ok to tease your friends on social media
I post way too much
Social media shouldn’t have age restrictions
People should go to bed with their devices
Confession pages are entertaining
It is important to put down electronics
People should limit TV and gaming
#IWILLHELP Discussion
What are some ways you can moderate your device usage?
How do you control your phone instead of your phone controlling you? (Do not disturb, leave group chats, set it down, turn off notifications)
What are some rules that your parents have put in place regarding your device?
Discussion Notes
Let students know that technology use is affecting every part of their daily lives:
24% of teens say that they’re online “almost constantly,” while 92% of teens report going online daily.
Only 35% of teens socialize with others in-person outside of school on a daily basis.
Teens who have more than four hours per day of screen time are 3 ó times more likely to sleep fewer than five hours a night.
Teens who use a computer or mobile phone in the last hour before bedtime are 52% more likely to take more than 60 minutes to fall asleep.
Writing Extension
Write how you would respond to the statements from the perspective of your grandparents or a
first grader.
#IDIDHELP Challenge
Challenge your family to set their devices down and refl ect on your device usage and beliefs.