ALL RISE will inspire children and youth to become responsible citizens by engaging them in activities that encourage them to reach unlimited possibilities.

Our Board

Aaron Judge, Founder

Patty Judge, Executive Director/President

Linda Johnson, Vice President/Secretary

Carol Derksen, Treasurer

Bev Pugh, Treasurer

Michael O'Neill

Vincent Ricchiuti

Sonia Gradin, Member at Large

Carol Derksen



Participate!  Born and raised in Stockton, California, Carol always enjoyed participating in clubs, observing and exploring nature, and getting involved in community activities.  The “participate” attribute has been a theme running through her life.  Whether singing songs as a youth around a campfire with girl scouts,  or as an adult with family and friends, or learning how to raise hogs with her children for 4-H; to participate was always the key to strong relationships and community.  Carol raised three children in Linden, California and believes in participating in the community and supporting youth to explore, be curious and responsible.  Carol has been involved in various school community activities including Linden High School Site Council Board member (Treasurer), Linden-Peters 4-H Club Leader and 10 year member, participated in various community fund-raising including Linden Education Foundation, Linden Athletic Club, United Way, and American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.  

Carol has worked in Community Banking for 30+ years in a variety of responsibilities including; Loan servicing department management, performing internal audit testing, coordinating internal audits and participating in regulatory audits, customer service, and managing various projects including software implementation and testing and intranet management/maintenance. Carol provides support to ALL RISE treasury duties and recognizes the importance as a Board member to follow and approve policy and support the mission to our youth to encourage them to reach unlimited possibilities by participating!